
Today, we ventured out into the south of the Black Forest and took a trip to the Titisee- a stunning lake in which you can swim, or hire a pedal boat and pump those legs like a genuine triathlete (Nasri and Stefan acquired quads of steel), or around which you can take a stroll under the hot summer sun with Abel strumming a sweet Spanish song on his guitar. We did all three, and it was summer time fun at its easy best, but mon dieu: the heat!! Celine, Dasha, Sarah, Carmen and I frowned every so often and grunted with mild discomfort. It was arguably a little oppressive at times.

Celine also brought along Clement, a serious Frenchman who smiles more than I initially gave him credit for (tut mir leid Clement!), and he was a stoic, solid group balancer, who carried Celine’s bag and patiently,  (but inwardly impatiently) listened as we stuttered out our clumsy German.

All in all, we had a languid,  lovely time, and let me say this: those trees; that Black Forest– it’s the formidable, but jaw dropping backdrop to everything you do here, and you literally lose your marbles every time you whiz through it by train, or are standing before it as you trek to the Titisee– what a freaking natural marvel.  

Word of the day: wunderbar, meaning “wonderful”- because what better word to describe everything about Titisee, ay?