Happy Friday!!!
Today, we had a grammar test on irregular verbs and prepositions, and half the class (which is between the ages of 18 and 25) was dreadfully hungover from the “Welcome to the Goethe” party last night, while the other half (which is between the ages of 26 to 36) had demurred, snuggled up for an early night, and turned up grinning, fresh as a daisy. We also learnt some rule about “n-declensions”, and I have no freaking idea what’s going on– I’ll admit, the nerd in me fretted, and I borrowed a textbook from the library, because I don’t get it, ay?
Afterwards, we climbed the billions of steps in Freiburg’s most famous cathedral: The Münster Cathedral. It is one of the most famous landmarks in Freiburg and combines the three major architectural periods of Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance. The stairs are slippery and narrow, and my quads were burning, baby– but the view was beautiful. Here are some photos of what we lapped up at the end of our stair-climbing efforts, and how stoked we were after we reached the top. I definitely wasn’t born to partake in, or vouch for the awesomeness of, cardio–and Nuria (the lassie to my right, who is the same) and I slapped each other on the back at the top, because goshdarnit, we did it. Then, we compared the dryness of our respective throats from the exertion and laughed uproariously at a postcard which had a picture of a gargoyle’s bum on it (one of the gargoyles hanging off the edge of the cathedral actually has his bum in the air, and there is a bum hole from which water sprouts. Juvenile, I know, but I laughed sooo hard, it’s the best– to think that it’s hanging off the side of a church!!).
Word of the day: Ergebnis, meaning “result”: because the end result of today is that it was a stunning day full of steps, sunshine and silly bum humour.