Today, we had our end of term test, and I think we were all pretty happy with how we went. It was made up of five sections: writing, speaking, listening, grammar, and comprehension, and afterwards I made everyone sit for a portrait (including our lovely teacher, Lydia- bottom left), because it’s one of the last times we will be in class together. The only one who didn’t come to the Prüfung Party was Jorge, because he spent the weekend in Ibiza and had to have a bit of a snooze.
Afterwards, Gabo and I went into town to do a bit of shopping. As you can see, it was pretty tough going and as day turned into night, we both started crying for a car, or some slippers, or a big hunk of bread: we were tired, hungry and thirsty in a very first world way. But, on the plus side, Gabo scored tonnes of new gear from H & M for like €20. Stoked.
Word of the day: Prüfung, meaning “exam”, because we finished our exams today!!!