
Today after class, we went for lunch in the Markthalle- a bazaar of sorts hidden away in a side street and filled with good food from all over the world. I had Indian and it was fingerslickin’ good.

Afterwards, we all sort of decided to nerd it up in the Mediatech (a fancy, schmancy word for library), and I hooted when I saw this hanging from electrical cables, I kid you not, every ten metres or so. The guy in the background gave me a cold stare when I got too involved in my own laughing fit, and I mentally told him to chill the frick out.

It’s the best picture ever, because no matter how genetically blessed we are, this is how we all look when we’re shoooshing. It’s a facial strain, and it’s damn straight harder than a frown.

Now, all we need are pictures on mirrors in the ladies’ toilets which show how we all look when we’re applying mascara or eyeliner, or alternatively, squeezing a zit. You know the look I’m talking about: eyes bulging, mouth wide open to create the requisite tension needed to achieve the perfect eye make up application/ pimple extraction. That would be the funniest.

Word of the day: ruhig, meaning “quiet”, because you’re meant to be quiet in the Mediatech, but I just couldn’t, the picture just made me chortle so hard!