When Margie started writing


Margie turned to writing when her legal career stalled after the Global Financial Crisis hit and she got made redundant.

As the days drifted past, the prospect of remaining unemployed left her feeling terribly grey: “WHY has this happened to me?” she proclaimed to the grey sky that had somehow dropped down to meet the grey, wet concrete from which the grey, sad tree was growing into the grey, grey clouds.

She felt herself falling into a giant vortex of Gloom City and decided that things needed to change. It was time to shake it off and mix it up.

She set up a grey-sounding blog which was aptly titled: “Angst on Legs” and started writing. She wrote and wrote and wrote until she found a new job– and then she grinned, put her head down and kept writing because the grey had long lifted, and there were so many stories to tell.

What Margie Wrote is a capsule of word-loving wonderfulness which will hopefully make you reflect and grin hugely.

Enjoy xxx

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