We’ve all heard of Gratitude Journals and Gratitude Rocks, right? Oprah introduced me to the idea when I was 14, and I remember going “Hell, now WHY would I carry around a rock in my pocket?” Well I tells ya, times have changed. Now, I have an emerald CRYSTAL which serves as my Gratitude Rock and it’s perched on my bedside table– beaming out great vibes into my room.
Most of us also appreciate that there’s something to be said about shifting our mindset so that we spot all the wonderful things in life. We see the way it works to quell our anxiety, and fill our positivity champagne flute so that every experience can be viewed with the a level of circumspect that gently reminds us: “It’s all exactly how it’s meant to be”.
One of the books that I scored a while ago at a fledging designer’s pop up store (“Yeah take all the books, they’re just decoration!”) was “The Magic”.
It’s by that lady who wrote “The Secret” and it’s centred around the magical effect of being grateful about absolutely everything from the ground up. Like, the littlest things: Hurray for our fingers– because we all know how annoying it is to have a cut finger and not being able to knead our fingers through our scalp for a luxurious shampoo froth session. Woo hoo for our health—because our health gives us our life and all the beautiful experiences with in it. Yee diggity for our jobs—because if we had no job, we’d have no money and then we’d be stressed on another level of fight or flight. High five for toilet paper, because well, do I need to break that down? That’s just the world’s best and most fundamental invention.
Even when the chips are down or you feel like a sad noodle in a murky swimming pool, she tells us to nip the negativity in the bud and go “but I have to say, I AM really grateful for XYZ” And the reason is again: it’s all about the giving and receiving. If you only take the good stuff that life has to give, then you’re not giving out to the universe. You’re snuffing out the give-receive flow. So keep saying thank you and giving it back, and the opportunities will crop up in tiny, delightful, subtle ways—or else, slam you like a glitter filled piñata that leaves you sparkling from the inside out: stoked and grateful 🙂
Hunker down in your cardies, sweet turtles— it’s gonna be a wet and refreshing Thursday xxx