
It’s weird- we live in a culture of oversharing in the virtual world and yet, in reality, a lot of us find it hard to share really good news  with others, or to tell someone that something amazing has happened to us, or to sit in a room full of our friends celebrating our birthday. We get shy and sweat bullets. We worry that we’re “bragging”. We don’t want to tell someone that we smashed that speech or did really well in a performance because: “What if it wasn’t actually that good?”

Isaac Newton busted out a number of world-changing principles on motion, and one of them is: Everything has an equal and opposite reaction. While he was speaking in terms of force and physics, it actually applies in spiritual and life terms too.

So what’s the equal and opposite force which comes into play when we share or give? Energy swirls, people’s hearts open and voila: it comes back to you and you receive!

The more we share with others (and not just anyone, I’m talking dear friends and treasured compadres) whether it be in the form of stories, dinners, thoughtful ponderings, our vulnerable times, our joyful moments, birthdays and our special talents– the more we set the physics in motion to attract support when we need it, the help we search for when we’re in a funk, and the special fun nights which make us smile if ever we’re feeling lonely.

Sharing our experiences with others enriches our lives— so let’s dip into our special gold book of friendship and loved ones and make sure we connect with them in real life, with real conversation and in real time 🙂