
We often forget that breathing is our whole LIFE SYSTEM.  Cells grow, multiply and heal when oxygen is flowing and respiration is working its confident, coherent magic.

Isn’t it a shame then, that most of us don’t give our breath the attention it deserves?  That instead, we tend to hold our breath or take tiny breaths which do absolutely nothing for us except contribute to adrenaline overload (because you know, predominant stress state + tiny oxygen puffs = adrenaline saturated system)?

Imagine all our tiny cells looking up dolefully up at us– why we got to be so cruel?

Today is the day we take deep breaths into our belly and we imagine the cool, sweet air slipping in through our nostrils, down all our 7 chakras, to our feet, and then all the way up—and back out our nose in one, long, beautiful, elliptical cycle.

Fill up your system and nurture yourselves, because you’re somethingkindaspecial 🙂