In life, so many things are a lovely two-fold partnership.
The masculine and the feminine. The yin and the yang. Loud and soft. Peaks and troughs. Vowels and consonants. Light and dark. Day and night. Inhale and exhale. Life and death.
You can’t really have one without the other. They follow, complement, enhance, augment and shape. Neither is better, stronger or more important, and like all of the above, intelligence and intuition really do work hand in hand. Before we do anything, we need to ask:
- Is it the right thing to do (according to the facts, information and everything I have in front of me)?
- If yes, does it actually feel like the right thing to do (according to the calm, quiet and unattached inner voice that spouts superwisdom underneath all my mind chatter and stress)?
If we get a big YES from both, then Houston, we have lift-off.