There are times when we all look at the world and feel incredibly unsafe. When we see people of influence using their power in a toxic way which causes us to recoil, and desperately look for a way out.
The truth is we’re all human. And we can act in inexplicable ways because we feel like there’s no choice– where we “follow” others because we don’t think our actions could mean all that much in the whole scheme of things.
When the energy in society is fear-based, our personal power is lost and negativity permeates every thought, word and action. Conversations are filtered through discontent. The media hooks onto the fear and eventually, it all explodes (as the case was last night).
We’re all responsible for the imprint we leave in every interaction we have. We create the society we live in and the values that we shape and uphold.
Every single thing we do, think and feel is loaded with power and energy. It all starts with us and if we all collectively tap into our soul, and see the brilliance and love that we can share within our own circles, then just like the Butterfly Effect, it will reverberate across the world. Little by little, it can and will shift the collective mindset 🙂