
I was listening to an amazing talk by Marianne Williamson on the weekend.

She’s super articulate, speaks with amazing speed and accuracy, and is hugely insightful when it comes to things about the masculine and feminine and the fact that we live in a society that’s in a “transitional” state.

She was referring to the fact that women are currently really confused about how they’re meant to behave. During the feminist movement, women awoke to a new and empowered self. In doing so, they incorrectly believed that they needed to morph into men- adopting thought patterns centred on streams of logic, rational thinking, strategizing, and steamrolling through life with a competitive, steely edge.

On the other hand, intuitively, we all know that the male/female dynamic only really works if the opposite charge is strong. By that, I mean- the sensitivity of women offsets the logical, black and white hard line that men tend to adopt. The gentle femininity of a woman’s energy opens up discussion and creativity, and loosens the rigid framework that men prefer to assume. When the opposite charges are balanced, they work together to create flow.

Anyway, one of the things that Marianne noted in the middle of this livestream was: “You don’t need to look for love. It’s everywhere—it’s our natural state and the way we were created. It’s just that most of us aren’t available to it”. She also said that women nowadays have become “impenetrable”, men are confused and it’s wreaked havoc on the energy that flows into all relationships and life dynamics.

It’s not that anyone has to be a particular way if it’s not their natural state- but if we disown an aspect of ourselves because society only rewards one dominant personality-type, it affects the overall balance in a bigger way than we realise.

So let’s lift the hatches that we’ve battened down and be less “impenetrable”. Our energies are all connected and we’re all love in our most natural state. Spiritual-speak or otherwise, I’m pretty sure we all know that there’s a big and beautiful essence in all of us that personifies the definition of “love”- however you wish to define it 🙂