I think a lot of us go through life feeling a bit like a one man/woman warrior: “It’s me against the world and I have to backstroke my way blindly through the murky waters”.
The truth is that we’re all connected as ladies and gents who are members of this diverse and colourful human race. We were all born into this world and we’re all dependant on sharing knowledge, experiences and energy to grow and learn. Everyone wants a tribe to belong to and we all have highly attuned hearts that seek safety, comfort and love.
As much as we like to think that we’re independent bumble bees stowing pollen away for our own cause, we all know that a deeper level, we’re much better when we open up, invite people in and sway in sync with the energy of support.
It’s something I need to remind myself about all the time: you don’t need to be Superman/Superwoman and do it all alone. Trust in the interconnectedness and know that when you need to reach out for a bit of help or advice, someone or something will sidle up and catch you 🙂