
Sometimes, I catch myself in a conversation and I’m like “So uhhhh, I just totally checked out, and I have no idea what she just said”.

It’s so bad. I can literally go on a mental frolic down a confetti sprinkled garden path, pluck some daisies, sniff them, luxuriate in the fronds of some fern tree, bust out a star jump on a mountain top (which I somehow didn’t actually have to climb) and then re-surface from my clouds of Daydream City to reconnect with the person opposite me, who’s waiting expectantly for some feedback.
How did that happen?

Our brains get cluttered with our own busyness and stories and worries and finances and hunger and priorities and plans and past and what we should have done and what we could’ve done and where we’re gonna go and what’s on my phone and I’m so easily distrac–

Say whaa?

It happened again!!

Shake it off and start again. Here’s to new listening habits- Let’s just take a step back, look into the other person’s eyes and imagine how they’re feeling as they’re talking to us. When you sit yourselves in their shoes and imagine yourself telling the story, you feel how important it is for them. How much it means for them to be telling you their news. How much they value your presence and thoughts.

And that’s when listening becomes easier 🙂

Happy Thursday, ponies- have a wonderful day.