
Once, there was an old, wise, Greek guy called Dr John Pierrakos who was an expert in mind-body dynamics.  He had a propensity to shout intimidatingly in his heavy accent and was forever saying: “Our bodies are the laboratories of life”.

You don’t really realise it but your cells have a memory that goes way deeper than your conscious memory. This means that if stuff happened when we were too tiny and sensitive to process it, the memory gets “frozen” in your body and results in tight muscles, chronic pain and lots of other things that takes your body out of alignment.

It also means that the weirdest things in life can bring on a domino effect—they’re a “trigger”—and when these little unrelated, but somehow similar events happen, they can make us feel super low on the Scale of Self-Worth or cause us to unhelpfully compare ourselves to others on the Scale of Life’s Trajectory According to Everyone Else.

When these times hit, gently turn your perspective on yourself and actually pretend to stand in front of you. You’re a person, with a heart and you’re dynamic, intelligent, kind, wonderful and the only one of you. That’s pretty magnificent. Celebrate your strengths and imagine that big ball of golden spirit that fills up your entire laboratory of life. Bask in it for a couple of minutes and feel your subtle power. You’re cool and you’ll be okay 🙂