An esoteric one to suit your Monday 🙂
Without getting too anally retentively hung up on the fact that the “You have not to find” makes my brain hurt because the grammar stings, I think this one’s asking us to look at ourselves without all our bells and whistles.
For example, at your core- if you stripped away the distractions of your job, your success, your income, your achievements and your belongings, do you actually like the person you’ve grown up to be? Do you understand yourself and your patterns, or have you disowned the less lovely aspects of you that you don’t quite understand: “Why am I so reactive? Why am I so judgemental? Why am I feeling so stuck?”
Most of the time we don’t really think about the part of us that acts and smells like horsesh!t, because we’re too busy being really defensive about it. But once we own this stuff, everything changes – we grow, learn and expand.