
In life, you are often confronted with the choice of making the right decision according to:

  1. what your parents/society/your intellect thinks is right, OR
  2. what you actually want.

Sometimes it’s hard.

You feel like dropping work and travelling the world might put you behind the eight ball. But as Christopher can attest, it does anything but. You might think ending the wrong-but-on-paper-oh-so-right, relationship will put you back at square 1, but as we can all attest, it’s better to be happy than claustrophobically, despairingly trapped. You might think that taking short cuts at work will help your KPI cause in the short term—but then when it all blows up and a tiny but critical slip makes your life super hard and stressful, you kinda need to concede that there was something in your gut telling you that you just needed to take a step back and consider it a little longer.

It’s all gut versus brain, and do you know how you can tell you’re making the right decision from your heart?

Your stomach doesn’t pull with that knot of anxiety 🙂

Feel the cues – as a lovely friend once said to me: “Be really conscious of what seeds you want to plant for tomorrow- always be planting seeds for the kind of life and environment you want to be in”.

Woo!! 🙂