
Clear communication is the cornerstone to a stress-free life, in my opinion.

The clearer you can communicate, the less angst you create.

How many times have you piked on dinner with friends because you’re too tired, but instead you’ve said something like: “Something’s come up at work” or—if you’re me, you resort to more urgent-sounding things like: “my parents want me to do their BAS statement? (4 times out of 10, they did, y’all!)

Every time we do something that isn’t right for us in that moment, we erode our self-esteem. Fact.

I think really knowing what you want to say, keeping the intent clear and then conveying it in a measured way that respects boundaries is the most epic thing you can do for yourself in work, life, love, family and EVERYTHING.

Haven’t mastered it myself but awareness is the start, and we can only get better with practice, ay? WOO 🙂