Learning German in Deutschland
24 June 2014: Time is a-ticking
Time is travelling, mate; it isn't just ticking, it's moving really quickly--hurtling around corners, steam-rolling our already full days, and filling [...]
23 June 2014: L’auberge Espagnole
Off the back of yesterday's easygoing effort, today we decided to watch a French movie dubbed in German called "L'Auberge Espagnole". Celine borrowed [...]
22 June 2014: Snoozy Sunday
Wiped and hankering for a lie in, we all stayed quietly in our rooms for much of the day until late afternoon, when Celine yelped on entirely justifie [...]
21 June 2014: Strasbourg
Strasbourg danced in the summer sunshine, gave a little wink, and wriggled its light into the tightest corners of my heart. It spun it around gently, [...]
20 June 2014: Schlossberg
Today, after class, Jorge, Ernie, Gabo, Nuria, Celine and I conquered the Schlossberg. It´s a giant mountain that you walk up (which starts from the [...]
19 June 2014: Opfinger See
Let´s go to Opfinger See!¨, Celine suggested. I said yep, Aubrey said yep, Jorge and Ernie said yep, and the internet promised that it would only take [...]
18 June 2014: Class excursion
Today, after class was over, Nancy, Jose, Jeremy, Elisha, Yu-Xin, me and our teacher, Lydia went on a group excursion to St Peter. As we packed up our [...]
17 June 2014: Mediatech
Today after class, we went for lunch in the Markthalle- a bazaar of sorts hidden away in a side street and filled with good food from all over the wor [...]