
“From: Margaret Hur Sent: Thursday, 3 April 2014 4:12 PM

To: Noelle O’Dwyer Subject:

I just had a snickers and a twix bar. Like, talk about subsumed by a chocolate craving like.

From: Noelle O’Dwyer Sent: Thursday, 3 April 2014 4:13 PM

To: Margaret Hur Subject:

Mmmm  I’m well jell – that should sort your craving, you held out for too long & it reached crisis point.”

Noelle’s right- I’ve been dreaming of a post-lunch chocolate for a week too long now, and today my food heart (aka my stomach) took a stance, pushing me to 7-11, propelling me to the 2 for $4 deal and leaving me in the wonderful state of post-chocolate mess. I sat there licking my fingers, with wafer flecks hanging off my chin and the empty wrappers resting proudly on my desk–Chocolate Inhale Mission complete. I kinda wanted to give myself a chocolate gold medal.

PS. Don’t be fooled by the perspective of these photos– they were definitely not your fun size variety.