
On the train to work, I try to be a bit professorial and pretend to brush up on the German I (sort of) learnt in high school with an app called Duolingo. It’s really fun and I feel more cultured and bilingual afterwards.

Anyway, at the moment I’m up to “Occupations”, and as you can see, I got the answer wrong to this one– it should be “He is actually our *buyer*”– no biggie, I shrug as the red “you’re wrong!” alert comes up. But then when I read their suggested answer, I’ll admit, my eyes and brain quarreled in protest and didn’t know what to do with themselves, because, well goshdarnit I’ll be damned if anyone knew that a synonym for “buyer” was “vendee”. Duolingo isn’t just teaching me German,  it’s teaching me proper, ancient, sophisticated English! #learningz