
On Friday,  our yoga chairs got delivered. Today,  we tried them out on level 9 (the deserted floor that everyone really only goes to for its clean toilets and the privacy they afford)– rolling our spines up and down the edge of the seat of the chair. It was a definite mixture of “it nearly hurts and I almost wanna cry, but it feels so good I’ll just groan like a timid bear instead because Imelda tells me that it creates lovely space between each of your back bones, and actually I feel good and might keep doing it, yesiree I will!”.

Imelda is the best yoga teacher. She’s gentle and encouraging and doesn’t make a big deal out of my tailbone forever sticking out, or my inflexible legs refusing to cooperate.  Everybody needs an Imelda in their life– she teaches me truckloads about my muscles, chakras and the need to stretch and be kind to my body. It is the most important education ever ♥