Kayaking in Rose Bay with me Oirish team. We went out heaps far and the wind was kinda strong, so then whenever I stopped to take a picture, it put me back another 20 metres. These two super fit paddle boarders kept asking me “Are you okay? Here, we’ll give you a push!” and so I continued on my way and they paddled next to me– it turns out they were Olympians who’d represented Australia! I congratulated them, and they both smiled and said “Yeah, representing Australia was pretty cool” all modest-like. #superhelpfulolympians
Day 22 of #100happydays
Margie2019-02-15T14:09:24+11:00February 1st, 2014|Categories: 100 happy days, Life words|Tags: kayaking, rose bay, starstruck by olympians, sydney harbour, the happiness groove|