IMG-20140409-WA0000For the past 99 days, life has continued on much the same way it always has. I wake up, meditate, go to work, experience varying degrees of objectionable stress which makes me “tsk tsk tsk” at my computer screen, eat a healthy lunch because you don’t want to get a spare tyre from sitting down all day,  flounce out of work, settle into the carpeted seat of the airless train, go home, eat, sleep, dream and then wake up to do it all again. It’s the mild rigmarole we all move through. 

However, doing this #100happydays challenge has led me to two very important realisations:

1. Your rigmarole is what you make of it. Actively scoping out beautiful, whimsical, joyful, lovely, lighthearted moments in your day-to-day life will take you out of your mind’s chatter and into your happy space, if only for five minutes. 

2. I love writing these little happiness anecdotes, and doing them every single day for 99 days has enabled me to finally, finally own the fact that, yesiree, writing stories, taking pictures and general creative effort makes me happy. My ingenious Abiii designed the logo, I thought of a groovy name, and was born. Dip into it whenever you want a mental grin spinner– I hope it’ll make your days happy too and give you some of that happiness groove ♥